5th European Workshop on Epitaxial Graphene and 2D Materials (EWEG2D’20)

May 26 - 30, 2020

St. Moritz, Switzerland


UPDATE 16.03.2020:



The scope of the 5th edition of the EWEG2D, being held in St. Moritz Switzerland 26 - 29th of May 2020, is the physics and chemistry of 2-dimensional (2D) materials with a focus on mono- or few layer systems grown on well-defined substrates.

The workshop addresses the entire range of 2D materials: ranging from graphene to stanine and from transition metal dichalcogenides to the van der Waals ferromagnets. 2D materials derived nanostructures like graphene nanoribbons, membranes, hybrids with molecules or clusters, and heteroepitaxial systems involving different 2D-layers vertically or laterally stacked and their synthesis by new methods like molecular beam epitaxy or ultralow pressure chemical vapor deposition are key topics of the conference. The workshop includes studies on the interaction of 2D-materials with their environment, for example the adsorption of atoms or molecules, the effect of the substrate, or the interaction with light, electric or magnetic fields. 

EWEG2D’20 is concerned with the experimental determination of structural, electronic, magnetic, optical, and catalytic properties of supported and freestanding 2D-materials, where defects, edges, moirés, and doping of 2D materials are of considerable interest. Additionally, theoretical modelling of properties, new effects, functions, and novel material system constitute an integral part of the workshop program.

Continuing the tradition of the previous editions, EWEG2D’20 is set to give a comprehensive review of the latest developments in the field by a selection of distinguished invited speakers, contributed talks and poster sessions. At the same time the location and schedule should stimulate inspiring scientific exchange and networking between senior and young researchers.

We hope to see you in St. Moritz!


International Scientific Committee:
José Ángel Martín-Gago, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid-CSIC
Yuriy Dedkov, Shanghai University
Silvano Lizzit, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste
Rosanna Larciprete, Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi
Thomas Greber, Universität Zürich
Johann Coraux,
Institut Néel, CNRS & Université Grenoble Alpes
Carsten Busse, Universität Siegen
Liv Hornekær, Aarhus University
Matthias Batzill, University of South Florida
Oliver Gröning, Empa
Thomas Michely, University of Cologne

Local Organising Committee:
Empa, nanotech@surfaces Laboratory, Dübendorf, Switzerland
Oliver Gröning (chairperson)
Christine Tran

Previous Workshops





American Elements, global manufacturer of high purity metals, graphene, coatings & nanomaterials for photovoltaics, fuel cells, optoelectronics, thin film evaporation & 2D Materials Research


Workshop Program